Wednesday Pre-Conference Training

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June 26-27, 2024

FFCCHA hosts NAFCC Accreditation Quality Ambassador Training in Clearwater, FL Register by June 8

Wednesday, June 26

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

ME! Essentials
by Lois Kendrick and Mayra Marquez 

For experienced providers who like working with other adults to Mentor, Educate, Nurture, Train, Observe and Role Model. This is the first part of the 12 hour Florida peer M.E.N.T.O.R. program for family child care providers to become a certified Mentor.

This part is also open to support staff who mentor family child care providers. Applicants must be accepted into the program prior to attending this class. Contact Abbie Bill at 561-482-6038 or for qualifications and an application. Applications are due by May 1.


8:00 am – 5:00 pm

NAFCC Accreditation Quality Ambassador Training (Day 1 of a 2 day training)  
Presented by: Michael Bachman and Annette Eberhart

Join a network of professional leaders who are committed to moving the Power of Family Child Care forward! You will have the opportunity to participate in a full 2-day NAFCC Accreditation Quality Ambassador Training and become a Certified NAFCC Accreditation Trainer. You will network with like-minded professionals from across the field to assist in the career journey of Family Child Care providers!

If you are passionate about helping people reach their highest potential in the field of Family Child Care, we encourage you to apply for NAFCC here.

Note: Applications are required for training attendance.


8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Trainer Recertification for Second Helping Training
Presented by Eva Anderson

Invitation only for past trainers to recertify and includes updated materials.

Email for application.


1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Don’t FLIP OUT, Use FLIP IT! Transforming Challenging Behavior
Presented by: Dawn Espinoza, Mark Cerasaro and Robyn Atkinson

Are you ever stumped by what to say and do when a child has done something hurtful, impulsive, disruptive, or disrespectful? Discover four simple and effective steps to help transform a difficult moment into one where everyone can learn and grow. Help children (ages 2-8 yrs) learn about their feelings and gain self-control by using the mnemonic: Feelings, Limits, Inquiries, Prompts.


Scholarship Qualification

To qualify for a pre-conference training scholarship, the recipient must be a FFCCHA member and a Florida licensed or registered provider or co-provider. Membership must be valid through June.

Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

Note: Mentor 1 Certification requires a pre-qualifying application (email for application) and 12 hours of training (both Wednesday and Thursday classes).

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