Deadline to Apply for Board Positions

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Passionate about your profession as a family child care provider? Interested in promoting FFCCHA’s mission?

Apply NOW for 1 Vacant Executive Committee Board positions to start immediately!! Executive Committee Application


Apply NOW (Deadline January 15)  for Executive Committee positions to start July 1, 2025

President, Vice President, Legislative Liaison, Latino Liaison, Area Rep Coordinator, Fundraising 

Apply NOW for Current Vacant Positions for Area Reps to start immediately: Area Rep Application

Current Open  Areas: 2,3,4,6,11,12,14,15,19,20,22,23,24,25,26,27,30,31

Submit Area Rep applications to: Jennifer Richards, Area Rep Coordinator

ALL current ODD numbers must re-apply NOW now if they want to serve another 2 yr term. Odd numbers elected in Odd years (2025)

Apply NOW for Current Vacant Positions for Chairs: Chair Application

Committee Chairs (non-board positions):  see Committee Chair Position and Descriptions

Applications are available at on the “Forms” page under Resources or contact:  

Nomination Chair, Mayra Marquez Applications can be submitted via e-mail, mail, fax or hand delivery.

Questions?  E-mail:

OR call: (407) 452-2967

FFCCHA MISSION STATEMENT: Family Child Care Home Providers will have successful, respected businesses that provide quality programs for children and families. (Revised 2024)

“No one can do everything but EVERYONE can do something!”

If you are a family child care provider and have a passion for your profession and are interested in promoting our mission, please submit an Executive Committee, Area Rep, or Chair application.

APPLY to start NOW

Secretary (elected in even numbered year)

The secretary is responsible for taking attendance and minutes at all general, executive and full board meetings, and any others as needed.  This officer keeps an official copy of all association records, including email votes, writes and sends correspondence as directed by the Executive Committee and the Full Board, logs and files incoming and outgoing correspondence, routing copies to the appropriate officers and/or members and submits brief meeting news article for the newsletter.  The secretary serves on and oversees the Chaplain, Hospitality and Historian committees.

Apply NOW for Executive Committee positions to start July 1, 2025

Deadline is January 15 to apply for FFCCHA Board positions to start July 1, 2025:

APPLY to start July 1 Odd Year Job Descriptions

“No one can do everything but EVERYONE can do something!”

If you are a family child care provider and have a passion for your profession and are interested in promoting our mission, please submit an Executive Committee, Area Rep, or Chair application.

Apply NOW for Open Executive Committee positions to start July 1, 2025

Deadline is Jan 15 to apply for FFCCHA Board positions to start July 1, 2025

President, Vice President, Fundraising, Latino Liaison, Legislative Liaison, Area Rep Coordinator

President (elected in odd numbered year, starting 2015)

The President is responsible for the administration and performance of the goals and objectives of the Association.  It is the duty of the President to preside at meetings, to appoint necessary committees, write necessary articles or letters, to submit President’s Message to the newsletter, and to devote such time as necessary to promote the interests of this Association.  The President is to use his/her experience and creativity in leadership so all members will benefit.  Reporting to the President are the: Executive Director, Advisory Committee Chair, Financial Assistant and the Parliamentarian.

Vice President (elected in odd numbered year)

The Vice President is responsible for assisting the President in all capacities as needed.  Ready to accept any duties pertaining to the office, offer support and strength to the President at all times and preside over all meetings at which the President is absent.  The Vice President oversees and serves on the following committees: By-laws (including policies, procedures, & standing rules) and Nominations.

Fundraising (elected in odd numbered year)

The Fundraising Officer is responsible to develop, plan, organize and implement all fundraising activities for the Association.  He/she is responsible for recording and processing any and all fees received; organizing and maintaining all fundraising materials; promoting all fundraisers at quarterly meetings, conference, and in the newsletter.  This officer will serve on and oversee the Fundraising Committee.

Latino Liaison (elected in odd numbered year)

The Latino Liaison is the representative for the Latino Council (Concilio Latino) meetings and responsible for all correspondence and information sent to the Latino providers and community (including input for the continuous development of the Spanish version of the FFCCHA website).  This officer assists the Professional Development Officer in organizing trainings for the Latino providers, assists as a translator and organizes the annual caucus at the state conference. He/she is also responsible for recruiting regional Latino delegates to join the Latino Council and serving on the Translation Committee.

 Legislative Liaison (elected in odd numbered year)

The Legislative Liaison:  keeps the board and members informed about new or proposed laws and rules that affect family child care providers; responds or corresponds with legislators with our support or concerns; coordinates FFCCHA’s participation in the annual Children’s Week events at the Capitol; submits articles for the newsletter and secures legislators to attend our conference luncheon.

 Area Representative Coordinator (elected in odd numbered year)

The Area Representative Coordinator is the liaison on the Executive Committee on behalf of the Area Representatives. The Coordinator is responsible for sending all correspondence and information to the representatives.  He/she is also responsible for leading the quarterly Area Rep meetings, training the Area Reps, conducting orientation for new reps; submitting reports for the newsletter and oversees vacant areas until they are filled.

In addition to their position duties, Executive Committee members are required to:

 1. Attend all quarterly: Executive Committee Meetings, Full Board Meetings, and annual: Executive Committee Development weekend, Leadership Summit, Conference, and General Meeting.

2. Submit Officer Reports to the Secretary and President three (3) weeks prior to Full Board and General Meetings.

3. Submit reports, forms, or articles to the Newsletter Editor by the quarterly deadlines, if required for their position.

4. Respond promptly to all email correspondence and phone communication.

5. Come prepared and arrive on time to all meetings.

6. Work independently and work together with committees and all board members as a TEAM.

Nomination Chair, Mayra Marquez.  Applications can be submitted via e-mail, mail, fax or hand delivery.

Questions?  Email:

OR call: (407) 452-2967



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