For Providers

FFCCHA promotes professional growth by hosting annual conferences, meetings & more

For Parents

Family child care has unique qualities that make it the preferred arrangement of many parents

For Mentors

FFCCHA is committed to mentoring the next generation of family home child care providers

What is Family Child Care?

Family child care is “home-away-from-home” personalized professional child care.    

Family Child Care Providers ARE ESSENTIAL to ALL WORKERS!

Join Us…

October 16-17, 2024 FFCCHA hosts NAFCC Accreditation Observer Training at the FLAEYC Conference in Orlando, FL Link to Register

November 9, 2024 FFCCHA Leadership Summit, Kissimmee, FL Reserve Hotel by Oct 17

June 25-29, 2025 in Clearwater for More info: Visit Event page

Family Child Care is Family Friendly Care that is a home-based service where child care is provided in the caregiver’s home. The home must be Licensed or Registered according to county and state laws.

Family Child Care is the most preferred type of care for young children, especially infants and toddlers.  Many family child care homes also provide high quality programs for preschoolers, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK), school age and children with special needs. Some homes offer the Early Head Start program for infants to three years.  There are many benefits of a mixed age group setting for the child.

If you are thinking about caring for children in your own home in Florida, please take a new online course, Opening a Family Child Care Home Program for an overview.

May 10, 2024 is National Provider Appreciation Day Provider Day Letter to Parents Spanish Letter from the FFCCHA President

Who We Are

FFCCHA is a statewide non-profit 501(C)(3) professional organization. Membership is open to all regulated family child care providers, parents, and advocates of quality care. JOIN or RENEW FFCCHA online NOW!

We promote professional growth by hosting an annual statewide conference, hold quarterly meetings with training sessions, and publish a newsletter.

Some of the training, conference workshops, and publications are also available in Spanish.


What We Do

What We Don’t Do

  • We don’t provide child care referral services. However, the  Florida Department of Children and Families has a provider search tool you can use to find regulated family child care providers.

  • We don’t govern child care providers, however, all family child care home providers must be Licensed or Registered according to county and state laws in order to maintain a membership with the FFCCHA.

Be A Part of The Solution

Contact us today to see how you
can become an FFCCHA provider!